Release and Stability

The Game Treasury reserves almost all $RBP and $SRBP, accounting for 97% of the total amount issued. $SRBP will be scarce in the early stage. The following is the release rule of $RBP/$SRBP. The amount released in the first year is calculated according to the model, and the amount of subsequent releases will increase by 5% every year, which will be the upper limit of the annual release of $RBP/$SRBP.

Breeding-Recycling Ratio: amount of $RBP/$SRBP consumed in breeding in the current year, divided by the amount of $RBP/$SRBP released in the current year. We expect that the Breeding-Recycling ratio will decline as the game matures. Gameplay - Recycling Ratio: amount of $RBP/$SRBP consumed in the game in the current year, divided by the amount of $RBP released in the current year.

Platform Recycling: the platform determines the recycled amount of $RBP/$SRBP according to the Recycling Model.

Return Rate: 80% of the recycled $RBP and 50% of the recycled $SRBP will be returned to the Game Treasury, and the other 20% $RBP and 50% $SRBP will be distributed as special in-game incentives. The specific distribution logic will be announced to players.

The actual released amount of $RBP/$SRBP is ultimately determined by the given value of gameplay participation and gameplay output. It is fixed such that the annual release limit cannot be exceeded.

$RBP/$SRBP will be heavily used in breeding and NFTs evolution. We will continue to pay attention in monitoring the recycling rate of $RBP/$SRBP, ensuring the rate is within a healthy range. Once that a significant imbalances arise, the platform will use its profits to recycle $RBP/$SRBP and return them into the Game Treasury, and we will lower the output further if necessary. We have made certain restrictions on the initial $RBP/$SRBP output design, as follows:

Last updated